22 | 31
Prompt: What was your childhood dream job?
Today is day 22 of the WordPress #Bloganuary challenge.

Seven Mary 3, Seven Mary 4, Responding
Airing in the late 70’s through the early 80’s, I stared into Hollywood’s box located in our living room waiting anxiously to hear “seven mary 3, seven mary 4, responding.” The camera would focus in on California Highway Patrols -John Baker, and Frank “Ponch” Poncharello mounted on their Kawasaki motorcycle glancing over at one another. The camera would back off just a bit to show them responding on the Motorola radios then zoom to the right throttle hand, left hand pulling the clutch, and gear shifting left foot. The 70’s disco drums hit, engines sang, the sirens were activated, and the chase was on.
Straight Hollywood broadcasting into our living room and I was captivated.
That was it -I wanted to mount that motorcycle and ride when I grew up.