30 | 31
Prompt: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography?
Today is day 30 of the WordPress #Bloganuary challenge.

The Elephant In The Room
I am going to try something a little different today.
Today’s prompt is to title the chapters of my autobiography. I have had minimal interaction with this challenge and to be quite honest -it’s been rather disappointing! Who knew clicking a like button could be so tricky?
With one more post to go, I will have successfully completed the challenge I vowed to complete. I will then be turning my attention and FOCUS on my career. I’m not going to spend the time here today stringing together words that describe how happy I am and how great my first week back on the ramp has been. For the first time in a long time -I see a future working in an environment I’m meant to be in.
I’m just going to drop this little 💣
If your friends or loved ones are small business owners -share their efforts! It costs you nothing to like, subscribe, and share their work. I’ve heard for the last 10 years I need to be this photographer, and I need to write this or that. I’ve done both, and I can count on one hand who supported my efforts!
If you want to participate in how I’m doing today’s post, I would greatly appreciate it. If you do not -it’s what I’ve come to expect and why my FOCUS is being fine-tuned.
Here We Go
I’m going to list my autobiography titles in bullet points, and I want those of you who want to participate to tell me what they mean. It may reference a place, a big event, or a choice that’s happened in my life.
The Autobiography Titles
- Sunrise
- The Academy
- 302 High St.
- Hair Bands
- What’s Next
- Angels Exist
- Heads or Tails
- Lone Stars
- Aero
- Buckeyes
- What Is A Tarheel
- The Vault
- Mattison
- Two Are Better Than One
- Hey Dad
- Rock’n Riso 🤘🏼
- Vitamin D
- First City
- India Bravo
- Good Lord Willing and The Creeks Don’t Rise
The Synopsis
How many chapters of the 22 do you know?
The End
When my ride comes to an end you’ll at least have a playlist.
very interesting perspective, especially considering where you are now and what you little you have revealed about your journey to this point–the thing about your chapter titles is that they could be thought to be the simple reference to a physical location you were in or they could refer to a job or relationship status or they could be markers of major/minor events — so, I will say that I can identify with some that would be physical locations I have experienced but I always enjoy a deeper dive leaving them open for multiple meanings–I think your titles could produce an interesting novel. So glad you are in an environment you are meant to be in, a satisfying chapter!
Thank you, Jeanne!
I forget that I’m blogging on public domain with a broader audience than just Facebook connections. I should have listed descriptions for each chapter title. Thank you for following along through the #Bloganuary challenge.
First I want to say…you are brilliant!!
I possibly know what 10 of these chapters mean. Whether they are correct, I’m not sure.
Sunrise…a new day for a fresh start
Academy…school you attended through your elementary years
301 High St…a place in Columbus. Where you lived or worked
Buckeyes…your favorite football team
Lone Stars…a place or event in Texas
What is a Tarheel?… your North Carlina job?
Mattison…your daughter
Two are better than one… your daughter Kirsten
Rock’n Riso…your volunteer work at daughters school
Hey Dad…our Dad
Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise…a common quote from your hometown
Thank you, sista❣️
Sunrise -the road that raised me.
301 High St. -South Point High address before they tore it down.
Lone Stars -move to Houston.
Tarheel -move to Carolina.
Hey Dad -started stay home dad role.
Really appreciate you taking time to read and share -thank you!