7 | 31
Prompt: Write a short story or poem about rain.
Today is day 7 of the WordPress #Bloganuary challenge.
App Uh Latch Uh
The clouds would often build
Off in the land of the west
Slowly they would move east
Building and brewing a Carolina test
The longleaf pines would sway and sing
Almost like a whisper
Needles bend and let out a sigh
They reach to catch
God’s heartbreak from his eye.
His violent test bends their hearts
They move without giving
The forest floor is now soaked
And the ginseng begins the benediction
All my life Appalachia was home
I never gave a thought to missing
The rains and the storms
The June air hung tight
As the truck got loaded
Heartbreak fell from my eye
When I waved that final goodbye.
The dry heat is that of an oven
No moisture at all where scorpions crawl.
There is no rain and I longed for those days
Does God’s heartbeat in this desolate place
I think it is anger instead of heartfelt
The dust of the Haboob
I thought I landed in Hadees with this move
In just 15 days the Monsoon is done
Three hundred fifty more with nothing but the sun.
First Coast
The thunder cracked and the rain settled in
First Coast liven’ brought a big grin
I can’t believe I’m actually here
The tropical rains soothe my darkest fears
Under a blanket no matter the temp
A good book and coffee to sip
This ancient city saved my life
Just so happened on the day everyone was high
April twenty I felt a pain
And there wasn’t the first drop of rain.
Didn’t he care enough to cry
No heartache as I asked why
The stents that Flagler provided
My heart now pounds with rhythmic excitement
I’m home as heartache falls from the sky
Live Oaks littered with moss nearly come to life
They bend and sway like the Carolina pines
I’ll pray for rain to know he’s by my side.