Merry Christmas From Texas
If memory serves correctly, in 1994 or 1995, I uncovered an ability to string some poetic words together that I would send to my dad for Christmas. It was my first Christmas as an adult and some 1500 miles away from home. Using a number two and wide ruled spiral -I would scribble down my thoughts, cross them off, and scribble a few more. The piece finally came together, printed on fancy stock, and sent home with a Swarvoski Crystal Squirrel.
Just before dawn
as we walk side by side
Shotguns in hand as we
rush to beat days light
Into the woods
so quiet and still
We always made our way
to the top of the hill
Not making a move
as my heart pounds fast
I look down the barrel
and fire a blast
I jump to excitement
my dad smiles with pride
For he’s the one that taught me
the great natures of life
Returning from the hunt
Grandma awaits
with a big breakfast table
perfected to taste
As we waved goodbye
and made the turn
The old weathered barn
would long our return
The week went by
so long and so slow
But the weekend was near
and I was ready to go
Returning to nature
I couldn’t wait
for it was all at grannies
on Brady Creek
I’ve never heard him read it aloud but the poem, squirrel, and a photo of me holding my shotgun and first hunt breakfast hang in a custom wooden frame that he made.
When I visit my parents and walk by that little treasure, I’m always taken back to being miles from home and without them on Christmas. My dad and I have gifted one another some amazing things over the years but my emotions always seem to step forward when I think about the effort I put into those words.
When I rang in the New Year on January 1, 2014 -I had no idea how a 52 Week Photo Challenge would change my life. I never missed a week for three consecutive years and compiled those 156 photographs and accompanying stories into books. I wanted to move beyond the photo telling the story and found a true love to guide the viewer with fictional fabrication. Not every image received an attachment but the times it did seemed effortless. I grew with each photo and story created.
All three books can be viewed on my Behance
Why I write is certainly not for the money! I believe for me it is the pursuit of staying engaged. When I write -I research, I learn, I’m using my mind, and in doing so bring a wealth of self-satisfaction. Watching a teardrop from someone’s eye while reading something I’ve penned is the most rewarding thing I’ve witnessed.
I want to someday write a book -or maybe just a lengthy essay. It’s not a resolution or really even a goal -just an idea that brings a smile when I give it thought.