8 | 31
Prompt: How Far Back In Your Family Tree Can You Go?
Today is day 8 of the WordPress #Bloganuary challenge.

All heads bowed, no one looking around, the minister closes his weekly assignment as the piano plays softly. I can not count the times I’ve heard this by various men in my fifty-four years of living. Never hearing it from my kin leaves an empty spot within me. My mother’s father was a Southern Baptist minister and railroad worker. At the young age of 54, he died of a heart attack on a Sunday afternoon shortly after delivering God’s word to his congregation in Rush KY.
This blog prompt provided the nudge to call my momma this afternoon. Hearing her voice escalate with excitement -she provided the details of her extensive genealogy research and shared her disappointment of only being able to locate back to her great-grandfather.

Farmer, School Teacher, and Preacher -my great grandad Shady Crace lies in rest at the C M Cemetary in Oak Hill OH just beyond the entrance on the left. Around the bin and just down the hill my granddad and grannie rest in peace together. Lineage to Shady connects to Peter Crase who was born 1795 in Virginia. Peter had twelve children with many of the spellings of their last names differing. Crase, Cress, and Crace are three that are noted.

I just wonder if maybe I have some fortune lying around somewhere.

©Matt Crace 1/26/2014
My bank account says I’m not rich by any stretch. I would beg to differ with the bloodline I trace too. My parents are the best in the business and I’m very thankful I can call them mine.

–Guy Tal
I fear that future generations will judge us harshly for our failure to place proper value on wildness, diversity, open space, spirit, solitude, and other treasures of the natural world still available to us today. May they at least know that some of us tried.
One reason last names changed in spelling is when you research back far enough, not all people were literate. Signing their signature with a mark, while another “educated” person wrote their name. I love looking at pictures from the past. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for reading and your response.
I never realized that -very good point.