Yearly Word 2023

1 | 31

Prompt: What is something you want to achieve this year?

Complete the WordPress #bloganuary challenge. One blog post per day for the next 31 days.

Those who have followed me for any length of time know I choose a yearly word instead of making pointless resolutions. While the #bloganuary has a feel of a resolution, it’s just one of the workings within my #yearlyword of Focus.

Last year was Balance and in April it was as if I took a hard left to the rib cage and a slobber knocker right hook to the jaw from a prized heavyweight fighter. I was upright after a cross-country move from Arizona to Florida’s First Coast. Each new day that passed felt as if I was on vacation sitting oceanside and sipping coconut drinks. The ringing in my head and the distant voice saying “Last Call” -I lost all balance!

The cardiologist was saying something about a LAD followed by Left Anterior Descending Artery then finalized with the statement “Widow Maker.” I no longer had my feet beneath me, no balance in my life or diet put me horizontally on that gurney and I was wheeled off for a heart cath where I received two brand new stents.

I quickly found that I had to work on balancing things out -if I wanted to continue to look down at the grass and not up at the roots.
I am back full tilt and in better shape than I’ve been in a very long time. I haven’t eaten any red meat, had anything fried, gave up the Marlboros, and now drink very sparingly. A second chance to balance importance.

2023 I want to Focus on balancing each and every importance. I want to focus my attention on several things that will lead to me being a little better than I was yesterday.

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Community
  • Career
  • Sharing
  • Me
  • Photography
  • Writing
  • Reading

Just a few things I’ll Focus on throughout this new year.

Do you make resolutions? Use a yearly word? What are you focused on for 2023?

6 thoughts on “Yearly Word 2023”

    1. Based on the end results and feedback I’ve received regarding my 2022, I guess my word needs to be ….”Positive”. Both in my thoughts and my actions.

      1. Love Positive!

        It is sometimes challenging. Over the course of the last couple of months, I have updated my resume and applied to countless openings. I hear how great the resume is and how well I present during the interview that is followed by crickets singing. Discouraging to say the least.

        However, I have enough within me to look at my progress and what I’ve been able to create. No matter what -there is something always to be thankful for and finding the positive within that.

        Best of luck to you on your Positive journey.

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