20 | 31
Prompt: What irritates you about the home you live in?
Today is day 20 of the WordPress #Bloganuary challenge.

Walking through the door meant stepping up and over the worn wooden frame. Once inside the ceiling hung very low, it was always dark and had a distinct odor of old. In the kitchen to the left, Mrs. Newman was always keeping busy with her chores. Her chores included sweeping and the first time I saw it -I never uttered a word! Once I returned home, I asked my mom “why in the world would Mrs. Newman sweep her dirt floors.” My momma spent no time finding her words and explained Mrs. Newman was proud and cared for what she worked for.
Dirt Floor Poor might be some off-the-cuff remark but it was very real where I grew up.
Give Thanks
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
I’m thankful for Mrs. Newman and that day watching her care for the home that was falling in around her. I’m thankful for the comforts of home, the high-speed internet, and the computer that allows me to put this blog post together.
I’m thankful for air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. I’m thankful I’m on the home stretch of #Bloganuary!
I’m really aggravated with today’s prompt and I’ll not sugarcoat it. It’s probably safe to say that all of us participating have it pretty good. We have internet, computers, and a roof to keep the elements at bay.
I’m always going to find something to be thankful for! No one wants to hear my complaints and I certainly don’t want to hear yours! We were given another day here on planet earth and if you want to bitch and moan about a squeaky door -I suggest you jot it down in your diary and lock it away.
Give thanks for the squeaky door that lets you know your kids just cleared the door and are home safe.