18 | 31
Prompt: What is your favorite meal to cook and/or eat?
Today is day 18 of the WordPress #Bloganuary challenge.

The Deli
With my mom working the front office at my dad’s orthotics and prosthetic business -meant I spent the summers at The Shop. From the time we arrived in the morning until the very last second prior to departing, I tore through the streets of Huntington WV on my bicycle.
One particular summer my mom loaded me up and took me to Victors Delicatsant. Never giving it much thought and thinking we were going for lunch, I never gave any fuss. Victors was a two-story narrow building with an all-glass front. When we went by the glass showcase of deli meats and cheeses and headed upstairs is the moment I started asking questions.
The answer revealed was I would be attending a cooking class that would occupy my time to offset the time my mom would have to worry about me. A 12 to 13-year-old boy going to cooking school -I was doomed! Not letting the cat out of the bag to any of my friends, I ended up enjoying it. One of my favorite recipes from that brief moment in my life was the Cinnamon Toast I learned to create.
1 Stick of butter
1 Cup of sugar
1/4 cup of Cinnamon
Mix, Spread, and Place Under Broiler.
I still have each and every recipe in a 3 ring binder my dad made for me and that is hands down the best cinnamon toast you’ll eat.
Roosters Crowing
Eggs over easy, hashbrowns, crispy bacon (cooked in the oven), and a cast iron skillet full of sausage gravy and buttermilk biscuits. I ate this meal every Saturday morning for most of my life. It is hands down my favorite meal.
French Fry Away
Hearing my cardiologist tell me “you were a french fry away,” after he finished up inserting two stents in my widow maker artery -left me numb and full of questions.
My questions were quickly answered when I started researching “heart-healthy diet.” I knew right away there would be no more cinnamon toast. No more eggs over easy. No more hashbrowns. No more crispy bacon. And certainly No More Sausage Gravy.
Out of Business
During my last check-up and after going over my labs, Dr. Jones looked at me and said: “if all my patients would do what you’ve done, I would be out of business.”
My new diet sucks and I could eat a Marlboro right now.
There isn’t anyone of us that makes it out alive -I get it. I’m just trying to get as many quality days as I possibly can with my little unit.
My life and diet completely changed -for the better! I wasn’t all that happy about it but I’ve adjusted and made the best of it. One of my favorite meals to cook and eat nowadays is Sausage Marsala. It’s been a favorite for our little family for a while but I’ve had to switch out the spicy Italian sausage with Turkey Sausage. We all still love it and actually had it this evening.
Turkey Sausage -4
Green Pepper
Red Pepper
Roasted Red Tomatoes
*Marsala wine
Cook sausage, saute veggies and combine over medium heat. Add tomatoes and wine and let simmer.
Serves well with pasta, rice, or plain.
I’ll have a cup of coffee and my kick’n Fig Newton for dessert.
No -I haven’t given up the coffee and not planning on it. I did give up a case of Pepsi per week 😅