11 | 31
Prompt: How do you define success?
Today is day eleven of the WordPress #Bloganuary challenge.

Jury Is Out
When I read today’s prompt -a souvenir from 1998 was jarred from its vault and into a notion.
It depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is.
-President Bill Clinton • 8/17/1998
I want to first address that this post is not about politics -I am the guy that despises all politicians equally!
Listen ⇩
As President Clinton addressed the grand jury and gave his testimony which included his insight on what “is” is -was a poignant souvenir that has lasted decades.
Success and its meaning are derived from personal accomplishments. We can compare our success in differentiating ways that express we are successful. I can easily say -is Bill Clinton successful as I am. When someone stands to argue that fact with “how can you even compare” -I can then turn to Mr. Clinton’s example and say “it depends on what “is” is. What are we actually “comparing?”
I am by no stretch Presidential candidacy qualified or compare to Mr. Clinton in that regard. However, I feel my photography experience would allow me to serve as his photographer and possibly instruct him on camera settings. We both then become successful because of personal goals.
On The Clock
This prompt couldn’t have come at a worse time for me! But here we are.
Over the course of the last few months, I have really put in a significant effort with my career. I have spent countless hours updating my resume, applying for jobs, fulfilling interviews, and I have accomplished absolutely nothing.
I’ve heard repeatedly at every interview how great my resume is, how great I present, and “you’ll hear from me in a week.” I did actually land one of the positions and three days prior to starting and just having completed the onboarding paperwork -I was notified they would not be moving forward. Anything but “Successful!”
On The Move
There is a main ingredient in all that we do whether it be cooking or finding success. What I wouldn’t give for a skillet full of my wife’s sausage gravy! My two new stents no longer allow for her to be successful in the kitchen on Saturday mornings. We didn’t give up! We found new heart-healthy ways of bringing Success back into the kitchen.
The one thing I can honestly say about how I define success is to look at the person, their character, and their drive. Want to be successful? Get up off your ass! You have to want something, and you then have to move to get it. Success for me doesn’t allow me to wear my wishbone for my backbone.
Time to stand and deliver. Success builds its foundation on every single rejection I’ve gotten.
Let’s Get It 🤘🏼