Sometime in 2012 at Two On Earth Bakery…
Talbot: “I mean, it’s not like I’ve written a book or anything.”
Me: “Well that needs to change.”
October 22, 2014, I shot my 43rd consecutive photo -during my first of three 52-week challenges. The theme for that week was Decay: right away, I knew where and what I would shoot. At the time, we lived only a few miles from the ruins of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker’s Heritage Town USA.
It was there I snapped this shot and shared these thoughts.

Like many other preachers, love ended up eluding Jim Bakker.
The sinful desires, as strong as they are, left the PTL Club and Heritage USA in decay and complete ruin.
These ruins remain only a few miles from our house and serve as a daily reminder of just how easy it is to fall from grace.
The stage for Jim Bakker was much larger than the one I stand on. He was able to convince millions of viewers to donate their life savings into his Heritage USA.
With one hand caught in the offering plate and the other one up Jessica Hahn’s skirt, that was a mighty stage to fall from.
My fall from grace comes nearly every day looking at this ruin. All I see is the decay of so many people that were hurt. Toting my daughter to and from school, I fall from my little stage. I curse the leaders involved while praying for those who lost it all.
I don’t believe that is how it’s intended to work but it’s what I do. Maybe, just maybe, my heart and soul will be judged on a love I have for those who lost it all, instead of the sinful decay of hating those that took it all.
May 12, 2015, my friend Talbot Davis -who I told that morning back in 2012 that he should write a book -invited me to his office. I showed up to find several boxes scattered around his office containing his brand-new book –Head Scratchers. He had opened a few of the boxes and the scent of freshly printed pages filled the air.
We shared a few laughs of excitement, knowing we both were now published. As he referred back to our conversation some two years prior, he added that my image could be found on page 36, and presented me with my autographed copy.