Bragg Avionics

Matt Crace

Customer-Centric Creative

Bragg Avionics Scheduling Coordinator Skills

  • Appointment Scheduling
    -Very comfortable and knowledgeable scheduling real estate photography services that often require speaking with the agent as well as the homeowner.
  • Computer Skills
    -Technological Savvy and comfortable on MAC, macOS, iPad w/pencil, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and Windows-based PC. Knowledgeable with Google Workspace and 360.
  • Customer Service
    -15 years of direct customer service for the CEO, Executive team, and Pilots at Bank of America Aviation.
    -3 years of direct customer service at IAH Qualitron Aero working the line.
  • Customer Support
    -Since 2005, I have provided direct customer support to real estate agents, marketing directors, and small businesses. Support through web hosting, web design through WordPress or additional products for customer retention.
  • Organizational Skills
    -Meticulously organized with physical items, computer folders and files, or virtual cloud.
  • Phone Etiquette
    -Speaking clearly with a smile that the caller can hear is welcoming and inviting. While listening intently to the caller, take notes that can be repeated prior to disconnecting. Yes Ma’am, Yes Sir, Please, and Thank You are not only used while on the phone but throughout my daily ventures.
  • Schedule Management
    -Balancing photoshoots, drone flights, multimedia creation and teacher’s aid commitments will contribute to my success in this position.

About Me

    Pre-Flight Checklist

    • Readily available to pass stringent FAA background checks and drug screenings.
      -all access badge at CLT and IAH
    • Clean Driving Record with Current FL License.
    • Reliable and Fully Insured Transportation.
    • NATA Safety 1st Certified Throughout Career.
    • Safety, integrity, reliability, and if the glass is half full -pour it into a smaller glass.


    Straight, No Chaser | Great Time | Huge Heart

    -Matt’s Closest Friends

    While I meet each of the qualifications listed for the open Scheduling Coordinator at Bragg Avionics, I want to take this time to be the “Straight, No Chaser” guy my friends know.

    Due to the finical collapse of 2008, I was displaced from Bank of America along with half the department. The board decided to go from a fleet of seven down to three. Each aircraft had three pilots, one flight attendant, and one ground personnel. I received a full retirement along with a twelve-month severance package.

    My wife was in the process of reestablishing her finical career with Wells Fargo, and our daughters were five and two.

    Those first few months of my unexpected retirement were met with challenges I had never faced. It was easy to just be the “stay home dad” collecting that severance while my wife was accumulating points faster than the flight was flying. I ended up embracing those challenges, and by the time the severance ended, I was the benchmark for stay home dads. Every morning I had breakfast ready for all my ladies with the stereo playing 70s dancing tunes. School drop-offs and back to the house, where it was a load of whites and a load of colors every day. Thursdays were deep clean, while Fridays were spent chasing a mower. As my daughters got older and more involved at school, I made their teachers’ lives a little better by volunteering in the copy room on Tuesdays. After school, we always enjoyed a scoop of ice cream from our favorite shop before stepping into the role of chef for dinner.

    For ten years straight, my wife never saw the disorganized and messy daily living throughout the week. Friday nights were laid back with laughter and nothing to do for two days.

    Time passed as fast as all those miles my wife collected, and my girls had grown up somewhere between breakfast and the ice cream shop. Middle school wasn’t as inviting for dad! I turned my attention to my real estate photography throughout the day and found success.

    I hope that I have conveyed how I was able to work through the challenges of a disorganized and messy time in our lives to provide the stability we have today.

    Leaning more towards a materialistic approach, I’ve created organized storage for my wife’s seasonal decorations with a loft that allows me to keep the function of a garage in all three of our homes.

    Clear To Taxi

    I am excited about the full-time opportunity to bring my varied experience to Bragg Avionics and return to the aviation industry. I am confident my skills and experience align with the requirements of this role, and I am eager to make a positive contribution to your team. 

    Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to discussing my qualifications further. 

    Warmest regards,

    Matthew A. Crace

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